Two new videos tell a short story of our history and reveal some of what we are doing today.
George Selgin speaks at the American Institute for Economic Research, July 28, 2018.
Should a person be forced to pay the equivalent of union dues that pushes a version of politics that he or she opposes? The Supreme Court has ruled: no.
We do not need human beings to be “angels” to achieve progress. We need institutions that are robust to “demons.”
Argentina still runs a large public deficit, and the Macri administration continues to finance this deficit partly with the same mechanisms as Kirchner did. The chickens, however, have come home to roost, and this predatory policy is coming to an end.
Individual freedom plays a central role in Immanuel Kant’s moral and political philosophy. He writes, “Freedom (independence from being constrained by another’s choice, insofar as it can coexist with the freedom of every other in accordance with a universal law, is the only original right belonging to every man by virtue of his humanity.” Kant’s…
The creators of Dirty Money have failed to interpret the significance of profits in an economic system. What in fact seems to be a case against capitalism, is actually a case against patent monopolies.
Devaluation, or clipping the coinage, as the process was called in the days of the Robber Kings, is a subtle form of taxation. Like most other taxes, those imposed by this insidious method will be borne by the Forgotten Man.
Edward Crosby Harwood was a participant in the work of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology since its founding. First as a reader and friendly critic, then as a contributor and member of the editorial board serving as a referee, he helped to assure the success of the effort.
AIER Trustee Walker Todd recently took note of this provocative piece from George Selgin, which argues that the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions since the Great Recession have done little good to boost the economy.
Two new videos tell a short story of our history and reveal some of what we are doing today.
George Selgin speaks at the American Institute for Economic Research, July 28, 2018.
Should a person be forced to pay the equivalent of union dues that pushes a version of politics that he or she opposes? The Supreme Court has ruled: no.
We do not need human beings to be “angels” to achieve progress. We need institutions that are robust to “demons.”
Argentina still runs a large public deficit, and the Macri administration continues to finance this deficit partly with the same mechanisms as Kirchner did. The chickens, however, have come home to roost, and this predatory policy is coming to an end.
Individual freedom plays a central role in Immanuel Kant’s moral and political philosophy. He writes, “Freedom (independence from being constrained by another’s choice, insofar as it can coexist with the freedom of every other in accordance with a universal law, is the only original right belonging to every man by virtue of his humanity.” Kant’s…
The creators of Dirty Money have failed to interpret the significance of profits in an economic system. What in fact seems to be a case against capitalism, is actually a case against patent monopolies.
Devaluation, or clipping the coinage, as the process was called in the days of the Robber Kings, is a subtle form of taxation. Like most other taxes, those imposed by this insidious method will be borne by the Forgotten Man.
Edward Crosby Harwood was a participant in the work of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology since its founding. First as a reader and friendly critic, then as a contributor and member of the editorial board serving as a referee, he helped to assure the success of the effort.
AIER Trustee Walker Todd recently took note of this provocative piece from George Selgin, which argues that the Federal Reserve Bank’s actions since the Great Recession have done little good to boost the economy.
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