“To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, the Chinese commercial state cannot stand divided against itself. China will not cease to exist, but it will cease to be divided. It will become all authoritarian, or it will become capitalist.” ~ Michael Munger
“The standard career strategy (‘write and publish a whole bunch of papers even if no one ever reads them’) will no longer be viable. It’s not clear this is bad, in most disciplines.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“A ‘good’ industrial policy is impossible in a democracy. Progressives who want industrial policies don’t have that position only because they mistrust markets. Progressives mistrust democracy, and always have.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“It’s hard not to be sad about the passing of old, personalistic cultural tropes. But entrepreneurs exploiting microphone technologies on digital platforms are going to wipe out most of them. And it’s just as well, because we could never make that much pizza.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“If my choices are to have wealth but no job, or to have a job but no wealth, I’d rather have the wealth. But we don’t have to choose: we can have both wealth and jobs, if we don’t go around breaking all the darned windows.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“Attempts to ‘manage’ or ‘plan’ prices do nothing to address the real problem of scarcity, and often make scarcity worse. Price controls are a restriction on the ability of other consumers to have their needs met, and that’s just wrong.” ~ Michael Munger
“It would be better for society if our leaders were humble and honest about how little they actually know. But it’s better for the candidates for leadership if they pretend to be committed to a whole dog’s breakfast of truths that just ain’t so.” ~ Michael Munger
“The tragedy we see around us is that cultural leaders are abandoning liberal norms, which themselves should bear a certain sacredness or sacrosanctity, so far as they go.” ~ Daniel Klein & Michael C. Munger
“Our evolved, atavistic response is that we don’t like the price mechanism, and we resent our dependence on a complex system operating in the background, without anyone being ‘in charge.'” ~ Michael C. Munger
“We must bravely speak out against the governmentalization of social affairs and against the unjust sentiments and beliefs that forward it.” ~ Daniel B. Klein & Michael C. Munger
“To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, the Chinese commercial state cannot stand divided against itself. China will not cease to exist, but it will cease to be divided. It will become all authoritarian, or it will become capitalist.” ~ Michael Munger
“The standard career strategy (‘write and publish a whole bunch of papers even if no one ever reads them’) will no longer be viable. It’s not clear this is bad, in most disciplines.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“A ‘good’ industrial policy is impossible in a democracy. Progressives who want industrial policies don’t have that position only because they mistrust markets. Progressives mistrust democracy, and always have.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“It’s hard not to be sad about the passing of old, personalistic cultural tropes. But entrepreneurs exploiting microphone technologies on digital platforms are going to wipe out most of them. And it’s just as well, because we could never make that much pizza.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“If my choices are to have wealth but no job, or to have a job but no wealth, I’d rather have the wealth. But we don’t have to choose: we can have both wealth and jobs, if we don’t go around breaking all the darned windows.” ~ Michael C. Munger
“Attempts to ‘manage’ or ‘plan’ prices do nothing to address the real problem of scarcity, and often make scarcity worse. Price controls are a restriction on the ability of other consumers to have their needs met, and that’s just wrong.” ~ Michael Munger
“It would be better for society if our leaders were humble and honest about how little they actually know. But it’s better for the candidates for leadership if they pretend to be committed to a whole dog’s breakfast of truths that just ain’t so.” ~ Michael Munger
“The tragedy we see around us is that cultural leaders are abandoning liberal norms, which themselves should bear a certain sacredness or sacrosanctity, so far as they go.” ~ Daniel Klein & Michael C. Munger
“Our evolved, atavistic response is that we don’t like the price mechanism, and we resent our dependence on a complex system operating in the background, without anyone being ‘in charge.'” ~ Michael C. Munger
“We must bravely speak out against the governmentalization of social affairs and against the unjust sentiments and beliefs that forward it.” ~ Daniel B. Klein & Michael C. Munger
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