Maybe it was just a fluke, but the willingness of the Post to countenance private ordering has given me renewed hope that there might still be some thinking statists left, people who can be persuaded to jettison faith in “compulsory monopoly” solutions to every perceived problem.
If we want to follow The real Golden Rule, and we should, we shouldn’t force people to make the exchanges they would otherwise refuse in absence of coercion.
MMT in the colonial period often led to periods of ruinous inflation and, less well-understood, revolution-inducing deflation.
We will never know for sure how much more quickly green-energy technologies might have developed if the New Deal had not squelched the sector by subsidizing its dirty alternative.
Complaining about injustice is cheap; bona fide progressives put their money where their ideals are, and reap as they sow.
Maybe it was just a fluke, but the willingness of the Post to countenance private ordering has given me renewed hope that there might still be some thinking statists left, people who can be persuaded to jettison faith in “compulsory monopoly” solutions to every perceived problem.
If we want to follow The real Golden Rule, and we should, we shouldn’t force people to make the exchanges they would otherwise refuse in absence of coercion.
MMT in the colonial period often led to periods of ruinous inflation and, less well-understood, revolution-inducing deflation.
We will never know for sure how much more quickly green-energy technologies might have developed if the New Deal had not squelched the sector by subsidizing its dirty alternative.
Complaining about injustice is cheap; bona fide progressives put their money where their ideals are, and reap as they sow.
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