Madison would be horrified to see the extent to which his federalist vision has failed to endure. Fiscal power has become increasingly centralized, with the federal government taking over more and more state functions.
Remember when Republicans under the previous President fought for some semblance of fiscal responsibility and for a return to regular order in the budget-making process? That time is long gone.
No matter how good legislators’ intentions are, and no matter how much money government spends, government “solutions” are very likely to fall short of solving most of the problems they’re sold as solving. Indeed, often the result is disastrous.
Social Security is in the hole. It’s time to stop digging.
“It is time to put an end to all corporate privilege. We should start by abolishing, completely and permanently, the Ex-Im Bank.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
Right now, there are few legal avenues for low-skilled immigrants to work and live in the United States. And the avenues that do exist are too bureaucratic to be usable. So when people tell you they want undocumented immigrants who currently reside in the U.S. – and who clean our homes, mow our lawns, take…
The bottom line is that none of us can afford the true budgetary costs of the Democrat Socialist dream. And that’s just the financial costs. It says nothing about the stifling of innovation, of entrepreneurship, and of work under such plan. It’s amazing what twenty-five years can do to a political party’s ideology.
I understand why people often fear freedom or the consequences of breaking the rules, and thus acquiesce to government restrictions on their freedoms. But I fear that we have gone too far in this timid and cowardly compliance. So long as everyone respects everyone else’s rights, we should have permissionless consumption (foreign and domestic), permissionless…
The direct and unavoidable result will be that all childbearing-age, low-income women are likely to pay for their potential absence from work through lower wages as employers will assume they will have to fill out for them when they take time off. There is no avoiding that.
For the second time since the last election, there’s a growing effort to impose a carbon tax on Americans. Once again, this effort is being led not by the environmentalist left, but by conservative organizations and a small group of Republican legislators.
Madison would be horrified to see the extent to which his federalist vision has failed to endure. Fiscal power has become increasingly centralized, with the federal government taking over more and more state functions.
Remember when Republicans under the previous President fought for some semblance of fiscal responsibility and for a return to regular order in the budget-making process? That time is long gone.
No matter how good legislators’ intentions are, and no matter how much money government spends, government “solutions” are very likely to fall short of solving most of the problems they’re sold as solving. Indeed, often the result is disastrous.
Social Security is in the hole. It’s time to stop digging.
“It is time to put an end to all corporate privilege. We should start by abolishing, completely and permanently, the Ex-Im Bank.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
Right now, there are few legal avenues for low-skilled immigrants to work and live in the United States. And the avenues that do exist are too bureaucratic to be usable. So when people tell you they want undocumented immigrants who currently reside in the U.S. – and who clean our homes, mow our lawns, take…
The bottom line is that none of us can afford the true budgetary costs of the Democrat Socialist dream. And that’s just the financial costs. It says nothing about the stifling of innovation, of entrepreneurship, and of work under such plan. It’s amazing what twenty-five years can do to a political party’s ideology.
I understand why people often fear freedom or the consequences of breaking the rules, and thus acquiesce to government restrictions on their freedoms. But I fear that we have gone too far in this timid and cowardly compliance. So long as everyone respects everyone else’s rights, we should have permissionless consumption (foreign and domestic), permissionless…
The direct and unavoidable result will be that all childbearing-age, low-income women are likely to pay for their potential absence from work through lower wages as employers will assume they will have to fill out for them when they take time off. There is no avoiding that.
For the second time since the last election, there’s a growing effort to impose a carbon tax on Americans. Once again, this effort is being led not by the environmentalist left, but by conservative organizations and a small group of Republican legislators.
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