Established 1999
New England, USA
“The most expensive beer in the major leagues is found where everything seems to be most expensive: Washington, DC. At Nationals Park a single beer will set you back $14.99.” ~James R. Harrigan
“When costs go up, the money to pay for the increase can only come from one of three places: customers paying higher prices, business owners earning less profit, or workers being laid off, losing work hours, or losing benefits.” ~James Harrigan
“Americans already have a license to engage in free speech, in the form of the First Amendment. And if you are thinking that the United States has a long history of anonymous, public speech, you’re right.” ~James Harrigan
“He doesn’t point his accusing finger at the one-percent or evil corporations, he goes right for that 68-or-so square miles of land sandwiched between Virginia and Maryland and the sort of people who inevitably find their way there.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“When was the last time a politician of any description used the phrase ‘sacred honor’ with a straight face?” ~ James R. Harrigan
“After Henry left town, the House of Burgesses expunged the fifth Resolve on the 31st. It only remains with us because it was found in an envelope alongside Henry’s will.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“Phil will next take up the 1619 Project at the Soho Forum on April 20, addressing the resolution: The New York Times book The 1619 Project, and the Hulu video series based on it, are important contributions to our understanding of slavery and the role of African Americans in American history.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“Phil Magness joins AIER Senior Editor James Harrigan and Antony Davies on the Words & Numbers podcast to discuss how the 1619 Project gets the history of, and the relationship between, slavery and capitalism wrong.” ~ AIER
“This week AIER’s Phil Magness joins AIER Senior Editor James Harrigan and Antony Davies on the Words & Numbers podcast to discuss how the 1619 Project gets the history and the relationship between slavery and capitalism wrong.” ~ AIER
“Take a cue from Lincoln and appreciate the blessings that we do enjoy rather than pining for things we don’t. Take a cue from the best America has produced and say a prayer of thanks. Happy Thanksgiving.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“The most expensive beer in the major leagues is found where everything seems to be most expensive: Washington, DC. At Nationals Park a single beer will set you back $14.99.” ~James R. Harrigan
“When costs go up, the money to pay for the increase can only come from one of three places: customers paying higher prices, business owners earning less profit, or workers being laid off, losing work hours, or losing benefits.” ~James Harrigan
“Americans already have a license to engage in free speech, in the form of the First Amendment. And if you are thinking that the United States has a long history of anonymous, public speech, you’re right.” ~James Harrigan
“He doesn’t point his accusing finger at the one-percent or evil corporations, he goes right for that 68-or-so square miles of land sandwiched between Virginia and Maryland and the sort of people who inevitably find their way there.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“When was the last time a politician of any description used the phrase ‘sacred honor’ with a straight face?” ~ James R. Harrigan
“After Henry left town, the House of Burgesses expunged the fifth Resolve on the 31st. It only remains with us because it was found in an envelope alongside Henry’s will.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“Phil will next take up the 1619 Project at the Soho Forum on April 20, addressing the resolution: The New York Times book The 1619 Project, and the Hulu video series based on it, are important contributions to our understanding of slavery and the role of African Americans in American history.” ~ James R. Harrigan
“Phil Magness joins AIER Senior Editor James Harrigan and Antony Davies on the Words & Numbers podcast to discuss how the 1619 Project gets the history of, and the relationship between, slavery and capitalism wrong.” ~ AIER
“This week AIER’s Phil Magness joins AIER Senior Editor James Harrigan and Antony Davies on the Words & Numbers podcast to discuss how the 1619 Project gets the history and the relationship between slavery and capitalism wrong.” ~ AIER
“Take a cue from Lincoln and appreciate the blessings that we do enjoy rather than pining for things we don’t. Take a cue from the best America has produced and say a prayer of thanks. Happy Thanksgiving.” ~ James R. Harrigan