“Sadly, we live in this world. And in this world, members of Congress and the administration don’t care about the size of government, any more than they care about most of our other freedoms.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“We should continue fighting the battle of ideas because when we are deep into the mess that both parties, and their underlying ideologies, are creating, some people will look for answers and for solutions outside the state.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“The bank has a long track record of serving mostly large foreign and domestic airlines in higher income nations, and distorting capital markets to fund projects that would likely be funded otherwise. It’s called cronyism.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“I picked as my three best policies ones that target America’s most significant looming issues. (Some of these issues, unsurprisingly, were created by government interventions in the first place.) Good policies, of course, should allow for flexibility and innovation without bankrupting future generations.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“The bottom line is that everyone needs to take a deep breath and let the unemployment insurance expansions expire. People, sensible adults that they are, will then naturally return to their lives and jobs.” ~ Vernonique de Rugy
They were against trade, immigration, technology, and markets before and they are now opportunistically using this pandemic as a convenient, almost heaven-sent, opportunity to push for the same pro-government interventions and the same semi-authoritarian regimes they advocated earlier.
For the Chinese to pay reparation fees in ways that don’t involve any current increase in American imports, they would have to liquidate a great deal of their investments in America. Any such liquidation would reduce asset values here at home.
I trust that the consumers, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, and innovators who make up that system will learn important lessons from the mistakes that might have been exposed during this pandemic and fill the gaps they identify. Do I trust the government to do the same? I don’t. Sorry.
According to the empirical evidence, there is little doubt that large government debt has a negative, and in many cases an increasingly worsening, impact on the growth potential of a debt-burdened economy.
This time, these government failures have resulted in millions of Americans being all stuck in their homes, schools being closed, the economy in a recession, and 18,000 people having died so far.
“Sadly, we live in this world. And in this world, members of Congress and the administration don’t care about the size of government, any more than they care about most of our other freedoms.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“We should continue fighting the battle of ideas because when we are deep into the mess that both parties, and their underlying ideologies, are creating, some people will look for answers and for solutions outside the state.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“The bank has a long track record of serving mostly large foreign and domestic airlines in higher income nations, and distorting capital markets to fund projects that would likely be funded otherwise. It’s called cronyism.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“I picked as my three best policies ones that target America’s most significant looming issues. (Some of these issues, unsurprisingly, were created by government interventions in the first place.) Good policies, of course, should allow for flexibility and innovation without bankrupting future generations.” ~ Veronique de Rugy
“The bottom line is that everyone needs to take a deep breath and let the unemployment insurance expansions expire. People, sensible adults that they are, will then naturally return to their lives and jobs.” ~ Vernonique de Rugy
They were against trade, immigration, technology, and markets before and they are now opportunistically using this pandemic as a convenient, almost heaven-sent, opportunity to push for the same pro-government interventions and the same semi-authoritarian regimes they advocated earlier.
For the Chinese to pay reparation fees in ways that don’t involve any current increase in American imports, they would have to liquidate a great deal of their investments in America. Any such liquidation would reduce asset values here at home.
I trust that the consumers, entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, and innovators who make up that system will learn important lessons from the mistakes that might have been exposed during this pandemic and fill the gaps they identify. Do I trust the government to do the same? I don’t. Sorry.
According to the empirical evidence, there is little doubt that large government debt has a negative, and in many cases an increasingly worsening, impact on the growth potential of a debt-burdened economy.
This time, these government failures have resulted in millions of Americans being all stuck in their homes, schools being closed, the economy in a recession, and 18,000 people having died so far.
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