The price of energy, entertainment, and rent continued to rise. Food prices were down slightly following November’s increase. Signs point to stabilization.
The power of companies, like government, is supposed to come from the people they serve.
A new edition of the investing classic offers strategy beyond luck: preparation, discipline, and knowing when to break your own rules.
Truth isn’t consolidated in a few experts who dictate to the rest of us. Instead, it’s distributed throughout a complex market of minds.
Adam Smith’s recipe of “peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice” explains much of the discrepancy in GDP.
Albany lawmakers want to raise the wage floor again, and index it to inflation. The state’s constant interventions will destroy jobs and perhaps whole businesses.
Tariffs raise prices on specialty materials, making many all-American handicrafts difficult to produce. Small businesses suffer.
Political avarice, sanctioned robbery, coercive control: such is the nature of government, and always has been. We already know the cure.
Specialized labor and freely shifting markets result in creative destruction, but also mutual enrichment. Where would you want to live?
Blaming producers for higher prices obscures true policy failures and economic bad actors — perhaps deliberately.
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