“It will take about 90 years for the phase-out plan to completely pay for itself. But, it took Social Security almost a century to dig the hole in which we now find ourselves.” ~ Antony Davies
“In the end, a college degree is either valuable or it isn’t. If it’s valuable, it will pay for itself. If it’s not valuable, no one should pay for it. Either way, there’s no reason for the government to be involved in higher education.” ~ Antony Davies
“What’s remarkable is that a plan that makes retirees better off, makes the government better off, and shuts down Social Security without cutting benefits to existing retirees or raising payroll taxes on existing workers would be possible at all.” ~ Antony Davies
“Politicians’ sudden moral awakening would be much more believable if their efforts sought to deliver maximum benefit to the people they harmed rather than to deliver maximum benefit to the political class under the guise of helping their former victims.” ~ Antony Davies
“We’ve reached the end of the road, and found that the people who must ultimately pay for unlimited government is us. Whether through taxes or inflation, pay we will.” ~ Antony Davies
“What is certain is that either a viable third party must soon emerge, or the two major parties will split the country as they continue desperately to hold to power in the name of an ever shrinking minority of the people.” ~ Antony Davies
“The question as to whether the vaccine should be mandatory begins with economics. What economics clearly tells us is that, at its root, this question revolves around property rights.” ~ Antony Davies
“As Omicron looms, and as surely as Pi, Rho, and Sigma will follow, voters should meet their fears with reason, view the media with a skeptical eye, and demand that politicians discuss tradeoffs openly and honestly.” ~ Antony Davies
“We see the seeds of this already in the intellectually bankrupt Modern Monetary Theory. MMT boils down to a simple policy prescription: politicians should feel free to print as much money as they want. That’s a recipe for hyperinflation.” ~ Antony Davies
“Federal spending is out of control. Politicians know it and they know that they can’t stop it. A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we’ll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don’t notice who the real culprits are.” ~ Antony Davies
“It will take about 90 years for the phase-out plan to completely pay for itself. But, it took Social Security almost a century to dig the hole in which we now find ourselves.” ~ Antony Davies
“In the end, a college degree is either valuable or it isn’t. If it’s valuable, it will pay for itself. If it’s not valuable, no one should pay for it. Either way, there’s no reason for the government to be involved in higher education.” ~ Antony Davies
“What’s remarkable is that a plan that makes retirees better off, makes the government better off, and shuts down Social Security without cutting benefits to existing retirees or raising payroll taxes on existing workers would be possible at all.” ~ Antony Davies
“Politicians’ sudden moral awakening would be much more believable if their efforts sought to deliver maximum benefit to the people they harmed rather than to deliver maximum benefit to the political class under the guise of helping their former victims.” ~ Antony Davies
“We’ve reached the end of the road, and found that the people who must ultimately pay for unlimited government is us. Whether through taxes or inflation, pay we will.” ~ Antony Davies
“What is certain is that either a viable third party must soon emerge, or the two major parties will split the country as they continue desperately to hold to power in the name of an ever shrinking minority of the people.” ~ Antony Davies
“The question as to whether the vaccine should be mandatory begins with economics. What economics clearly tells us is that, at its root, this question revolves around property rights.” ~ Antony Davies
“As Omicron looms, and as surely as Pi, Rho, and Sigma will follow, voters should meet their fears with reason, view the media with a skeptical eye, and demand that politicians discuss tradeoffs openly and honestly.” ~ Antony Davies
“We see the seeds of this already in the intellectually bankrupt Modern Monetary Theory. MMT boils down to a simple policy prescription: politicians should feel free to print as much money as they want. That’s a recipe for hyperinflation.” ~ Antony Davies
“Federal spending is out of control. Politicians know it and they know that they can’t stop it. A day of reckoning is coming. Politicians hope that we’ll keep pointing fingers at the rich so we don’t notice who the real culprits are.” ~ Antony Davies
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