Eighty-four collected essays from a founding mother capture her mesmerizing clarity and unwaveringly libertarian principles: “There are very few things that I am willing to die for; capitalism is one of them.”
“Cleveland saw his job as upholding the Constitution and keeping the federal government in its proper place, not weakening ‘the bonds of common brotherhood’ by robbing Peter to pay Paul.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“Even if a socialist’s own life is a mess, he still knows how to run everybody else’s. Even if he doesn’t believe there’s a God, he thinks the State can be one.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“If a charity proves to be ineffective or corrupt, its donors vanish; when the welfare department squanders public money and perpetuates social problems across generations, it usually gets more tax revenue.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“This economic equality thing is parent to endless harm. When it’s just an idea, it’s nonsense. When it finds its way into public policy, it’s poison. Don’t drink it.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“From Israel to America and lots of places in between, government is not the answer to problems in education. It is the paramount problem itself. ” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“Erhard’s legacy was forged in the decade and a half after the war’s end. He forever answered the question ‘What do you do with an economy in ruins?’ with the simple, proven recipe: ‘Free it.’” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“In a sense, Americans are still celebrating him today. No fewer than 36 American cities and towns are named for him, such as Fayetteville, North Carolina and Lafayette, Louisiana.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“If you are tempted to dismiss the Night of the Murdered Poets or the Doctors’ Plot or any other massacre of history’s innocents as interesting facts made largely irrelevant by the passage of time, please think again.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“As Arendt explained, ‘Going along with the rest and wanting to say ‘we’ were quite enough to make the greatest of all crimes possible.'” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
Eighty-four collected essays from a founding mother capture her mesmerizing clarity and unwaveringly libertarian principles: “There are very few things that I am willing to die for; capitalism is one of them.”
“Cleveland saw his job as upholding the Constitution and keeping the federal government in its proper place, not weakening ‘the bonds of common brotherhood’ by robbing Peter to pay Paul.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“Even if a socialist’s own life is a mess, he still knows how to run everybody else’s. Even if he doesn’t believe there’s a God, he thinks the State can be one.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“If a charity proves to be ineffective or corrupt, its donors vanish; when the welfare department squanders public money and perpetuates social problems across generations, it usually gets more tax revenue.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“This economic equality thing is parent to endless harm. When it’s just an idea, it’s nonsense. When it finds its way into public policy, it’s poison. Don’t drink it.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“From Israel to America and lots of places in between, government is not the answer to problems in education. It is the paramount problem itself. ” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“Erhard’s legacy was forged in the decade and a half after the war’s end. He forever answered the question ‘What do you do with an economy in ruins?’ with the simple, proven recipe: ‘Free it.’” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“In a sense, Americans are still celebrating him today. No fewer than 36 American cities and towns are named for him, such as Fayetteville, North Carolina and Lafayette, Louisiana.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“If you are tempted to dismiss the Night of the Murdered Poets or the Doctors’ Plot or any other massacre of history’s innocents as interesting facts made largely irrelevant by the passage of time, please think again.” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
“As Arendt explained, ‘Going along with the rest and wanting to say ‘we’ were quite enough to make the greatest of all crimes possible.'” ~ Lawrence W. Reed
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